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Raising a litter at Hecrilean`s
Making diner, about 8 weeks of life 
.... Birth and raising takes place in a special prepared part of our living room ...... the puppies are allowed to stay there over the whole time. They don`t move to a dog`s house or a puppies room. Later on, after four weeks they are allowed to occupy the rest of the house as they want to ... Gremlins all over....as seen here.... we have children and a lot of visits by kids........they will all know the regular noices of a household as dishwasher, vacuum holder, door bell........ the puppies are been watched by a vet and the breeding master of the DCC (FCI)....... are familiar with different kinds of food...... did have seen cats and small pets....... will spend some time in a part of the garden in front of house, watched by her mother and one of us in order to get familiar with traffic, pedestriants, joggers ....... do know been driven by car....... are conditioned to a whistle........and will leave us between the 9. and 10 th week of living. At this moment they have overcomed the injections and experience important matters of socialisations . Of course it is possible that a promised puppy can stay even longer, if this is requested by a special situation i it`s new home. When they are leaving.........they are examined of a special doctor for eye disease (DOK)......they are multiple dewormed, chipped und got a injection at least one time.... We see ourselves as breeders at the beginning. Someone, who realizes the love for a special kind of dog. For this, it is naturally for us to give a helping hand everytime. In cases in which we can`t , we do know experienced breeders or experts from the breeding club for sure.....and so some day the puppies will become such beautiful people, eh collies as below..... Kalalassie`s be well Belle - this is a young lady, short cutted and very special! Her weight at birth was 162g, and was even reduced to 150 .(big brother: 440 g)
Foto: Krispin Weiß 
... again a Kalalassie, Kalalassie`s be jolly Polly.... 2,5 Tage on the left, about 7 weeks on the right.... 
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